Sunday, March 19, 2017

Self-Care Isn't Selfish!

There is one piece of advice that older people tend to give younger people: “make sure you take care of yourself.”  Most of the times this kind of advice is brushed off by younger people, but today is the day I want you to really take that saying to heart.  There are three main reasons to make “taking care of yourself” a priority.

1) Self-care prevents “burnouts” – The world today calls for most people to be involved in several different things at the same time: a full time job & a part time job, family & church, family & career, PTA & community associations among other things.  When you don’t have a consistent self-care routine you will get burned out…FAST!  It’s hard to be and stay productive in multiple demanding activities if you don’t take a moment to care for yourself.  

2) Self-care makes you more effective –Ever feel like you have used every ounce of energy, brain power and/or physical power you had?  How many times you’ve felt like you were running on fumes?  Newsflash! When you are running on fumes you cannot be effective in anything you do.  It means you are giving the last, ineffective try you have.  The question that is usually asked is that after you’ve given your last, how and when will you be filled back up?  That’s where self-care comes in.

3) Self-care strengthen relationships – Ever do something small (like being 3 mins late for lunch) and someone get sooooo mad at you that you are left confused and frustrated?  When you do not “take care of yourself” you tend to take it out on everyone around you which in turn weakens relationships.  If you are stressed about your own situation, how can you help a spouse, child or friend with their situation?  Once you learn how to take time to care for yourself you may find that your relationships will be easier.

The truth of the matter is that when you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone else!  Although only three reasons were highlighted, there is a lot of research that highlights importance of self-care.  You are urged to get a calendar or planner to assist you with planning one thing to do for self-care each day.  This can be as small as cuddling with a pet for 5 mins or as big as scheduling a monthly massage.  Self-care does not have to be this grand gesture but something to help you be the best person you can be.  And guess what?!?! Every week you will receive a short newsletter highlighting tips to add onto your self-care list…how easy is THAT?!?!?!  Don’t’ forget to add Shrink Me Not on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter

Until next week: Self-care isn’t selfish!

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