Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Healthy Thinking?!?!?

Hey everybody, welcome to Say What Wednesday’s, the weekly segment that gives you little hacks in how to handle life’s challenges.

You’ve heard of healthy living and healthy eating but have you ever heard of healthy thinking? Your thoughts become your actions and if you have negative thoughts then your actions won’t produce good fruit.  In the same way that unhealthy thinking can cause health problems, healthy thinking can lead to positive life changes.  I’m going to give you three tips to develop healthy thinking habits.

Tip 1: Reframe your challenges: Let me burst your bubble…as long as you are alive you are going to have challenges.  The difference between people who live a happy life and those who live a miserable life is how they view the challenges they face.  The same boiling water that softens a potato, hardens an egg.  When you learn how to reframe challenges in your mind, you will be able to seamlessly navigate those challenges and preserve with a smile on your face. 

Tip 2: Ignore complainers:  Okay, remember those buzz kills I talked about a while ago? Constant complainers fall into this category.  You know the people who complain about everything…and I mean EVERYTHING!  The coffee is too hot, the sky is too blue, the sun is too bright, the sandwich is too cold…everything! You cannot “get your mind right” when you are surrounded by complainers so don’t even attempt to entertain anyone who complains all the time!

Tip 3: Complain:Gratitude ratio: Okay, now that you’ve gotten a handle on those people around you who are constant complainers, it’s time to get a hold of your own complaining nature.  For one day…24 hours, I want you to record the number of times you have complained (including those times you complain in your head) and the number of times you have felt or verbalized gratitude.  It’s not intense, all you have to do is keep tally marks.  At the end of the 24 hour period, I want you to count up the number of complaining tally’s and the number of gratitude tally’s.  A good rule of thumb is only 1 complain moment for every 3 gratitude moments.  How do you think your tally list will look?

Your mind holds a lot of power in the enjoyment your life.  Make sure you reframe the challenges that you go through, ignore complainers and make sure you are showing and thinking gratitude more than you are complaining!  I promise if you follow these three tips, you are going to be on your way to healthy thinking.

Check me out on Instagram at Shrink Me _ Not, on Facebook at Shrink Me Not, & of course on my website Shrink Me AND, if you missed an episode of Say What?!? Wednesday’s check out my Shrink Me Not YouTube page.

Until next time, Take Care of Yourself!

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