Thursday, November 9, 2017

Be Comfortable With You

Hey everybody, welcome to Say What Wednesday’s, the weekly segment that gives you little hacks in how to handle life’s challenges.

Once per year everyone is celebrated for getting older. When we are children, getting older was fun! It was about becoming a “big” person. In our 20’s getting older was about becoming “real” adults by taking care of ourselves and building relationships. In our 30’s the tides begin to change. Developmentally speaking, we become introspective and we begin to learn ourselves and either embrace our flaws or work to change them. This process isn’t easy and at times it is down-right hurtful, but I have three tips to help the process of becoming comfortable with being you.

Tip 1. Never compromise your values. When we are young, we are taught what we should value most.  Sometimes parents teach us to value hard work, authenticity, inner harmony or even money.  But as our minds cross over into adulthood, what we truly value becomes crystal clear. Take two minutes and make a list of your values, then star your top three. These are the three you will NEVER compromise because they make you who you are.  Yes, as we age our priorities may shift, but our values rarely change.  While getting comfortable with who you are, never compromise the values you hold important.

Tip 2. Comparisons: One of the biggest “Oh my gosh I’m 30!” crisis we have, comes when we compare ourselves to other people.  This is the ULTIMATE no-no.  Everyone in life has their own path to walk.  No one can walk your path and you can’t walk anyone else’s path.  The truth of the matter is, you don’t know what the other person had to do to get what they have!  And honestly, when faced with the same path they walked, you may not be as successful as they have.  Get comfortable with you! Comparing yourself with others prevents you from seeing just how awesome you are!

Tip 3. Guess what folks…It’s okay to change.  Most of the time we are holding on so tight to who we used to be in our “glory days,” that we fail to see that who we are becoming is sooooo much better than who we were.  So, to get comfortable with you, give yourself permission to change.  I guarantee you will come to a point in life (usually mid-30’s) where you are so comfortable with yourself that no one could pay you to go back in time.

Alright guys so never compromising your values, not comparing yourself to others and giving yourself permission to change are three very important practices to begin becoming comfortable with you.  There’s one thing I know for sure, God broke the mold when He made you! 

I hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of Say What Wednesday’s.  forget to check me out on Instagram at Shrink Me _ Not, on Facebook at Shrink Me Not, & of course on my website Shrink Me AND, if you missed an episode of Say What?!? Wednesday’s check out my Shrink Me Not YouTube page.  

Until next time, Take Care of Yourself!

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